411 1st Street NW, Cass Lake, Minnesota
ALS is seeking partners for this big project! If you are interested in learning more about ALS's building needs, or would like to support general operations, please reach out to Cody Nelson, Executive Director, or Chari LaDuke-Clark, Administrative Director, by contacting the main office: 218-335-2223, or by email: cnelson@alslegal.org or claduke-clark@alslegal.org.
We appreciate your interest in our building needs! Below is a floor plan design for the future Main Office. We are excited for an opportunity to provide free legal services to individuals in an environment that is safe for clients and staff alike, as well as energy efficient and inviting for the public.
Our projected timelines for now have program staff relocating this summer to temporary office spacing which will be announced at a later time. The building will be primarily built in a factory offsite. During the relocation, our current facility which is over 130 years old will be demolished. Contractors will come in to pour fresh new foundation and later the building will be transported on site.
(Big Thanks!)
To visit ALS's gofundme page click here: https://www.gofundme.com/anishinabe-legal-services-needs-a-new-home
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Disclaimer: The use of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship. The information on this site is not legal advice. Legal advice depends on specific facts and circumstances. This website provides general information only. You should contact an attorney if you need specific legal advice or help.