Are criminal records holding you back?
Come get information and free legal advice about expungement, and find out whether it can help you.
Friday, December 6, 2013
10:00 am — 1:00 pm
Anishinabe Legal Services Offices
10:00 am — 1:00 pm
Anishinabe Legal Services Offices
411 1st Street NW
Cass Lake, MN 56633
To give you complete and accurate information, we will want to see your official court record and your private record from the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA).
To obtain them:
Court (MNCIS): Go to any state courthouse and request your records. You may have to pay for each record. If printing your full record is too expensive, consider getting just the Register of Actions, which lists all of your cases.
BCA: Send a written and notarized request to the Bureau, including your name and date of birth, and any other names you have used, such as maiden or former married names. Enclose a personal check, money order, etc. for $8.00 made payable to the BCA, and a self-addressed stamped envelope. Response time for mail requests is approximately two weeks.
Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Criminal Justice information Systems – CHA
1430 Maryland Ave. E.
St. Paul, MN 55106
If you can’t make it to this event but still have questions, call (612) 752-6677 between 10 am and 1 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday, to schedule a free phone advice session.
Sponsored by Volunteer Lawyers Network and Anishinabe Legal Services
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